At Imperfect Information Learning Team, Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), RIKEN, we are developing reliable and robust machine learning methods/algorithms that can cope with various factors such as weak supervision, noisy supervision, and adversarial attacks. This page hosts our program codes used in our published papers.
The page contains 4 top-level research topics:
- Weakly supervised learning is aimed at solving a learning task from only weakly supervised data (e.g., positive and unlabeled data, data with complementary labels, and data with partial labels);
- Label-noise learning is aimed at solving a learning task from possibly mislabeled data (i.e., the dataset for training a standard classifier is a mixture of correctly and incorrectly labeled data);
- Adversarial robustness is aimed at improving the robust accuracy of trained models against adversarial attacks (i.e., tiny perturbations applied on the data to flip the model predictions).
- Our published papers that do not fall into the above 3 topics are included in other topics.
For more related machine learning methods/algorithms, please check the following pages of our strategic partners:
- Sugiyama-Yokoya-Ishida Lab @ The University of Tokyo, led by Prof. Masashi Sugiyama
- Trustworthy Machine Learning Group @ Hong Kong Baptist University, led by Prof. Bo Han
- Trustworthy Machine Learning Lab @ The University of Sydney, led by Prof. Tongliang Liu
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Weakly supervised learning
Standard supervised learning relies on fully supervised or fully labeled data, which means that every instance is associated with a label, in order to teach a model how to map an instance to its label. In practice, however, collecting such data is often expensive in terms of budget and/or time window for labeling or sampling big enough data, or even impossible since it may cause privacy and/or fairness issues. Weakly supervised learning is aimed at solving a learning task from only weakly supervised or weakly labeled data, e.g., the positive class is present while the negative class is absent. Our weakly supervised trained models still try to capture the underlying map from an instance to its label and to predict the true label of any instance exactly the same as fully supervised trained models.
Positive-unlabeled learning
Positive-unlabeled learning is aimed as solving a binary classification problem only from positive and unlabeled data, without negative data.
Analysis of learning from positive and unlabeled data (NeurIPS 2014)
Convex formulation for learning from positive and unlabeled data (ICML 2015)
Theoretical comparisons of positive-unlabeled learning against positive-negative learning (NeurIPS 2016)
Semi-supervised classification based on classification from positive and unlabeled data (ICML 2017)
Positive-unlabeled learning with non-negative risk estimator (NeurIPS 2017)
Semi-supervised AUC optimization based on positive-unlabeled learning (Machine Learning v107, 2018)
Classification from positive, unlabeled and biased negative data (ICML 2019)
Scalable evaluation and improvement of document set expansion via neural positive-unlabeled learning (EACL 2021)
Information-theoretic representation learning for positive-unlabeled classification (Neural Computation v33, 2021)
Rethinking class-prior estimation for positive-unlabeled learning (ICLR 2022)
Unlabeled-unlabeled learning
Unlabeled-unlabeled learning is aimed as solving a binary classification problem only from two sets of unlabeled data with different class priors.
On the minimal supervision for training any binary classifier from only unlabeled data (ICLR 2019)
Mitigating overfitting in supervised classification from two unlabeled datasets: A consistent risk correction approach (AISTATS 2020)
On symmetric losses for learning from corrupted labels (ICML 2020)
Binary Classification from multiple unlabeled datasets via surrogate set classification (ICML 2021)
Federated learning from only unlabeled data with class-conditional-sharing clients (ICLR 2022)
Complementary-label learning
Complementary-label learning is aimed at training a multi-class classifier only from complementarily labeled data (a complementary label incidates a class which a patter does NOT belong to).
Learning from complementary labels (NeurIPS 2017)
Complementary-label learning for arbitrary losses and models (ICML 2019)
Learning with multiple complementary labels (ICML 2020)
Unbiased risk estimators can mislead: A case study of learning with complementary labels (ICML 2020)
Learning with complementary labels revisited: The selected-completely-at-random setting is more practical (ICML 2024)
Partial-label learning
Partial-label learning is aimed at training a multi-class classifier only from partially labeled data (a partial label incidates a set of class labels one of which is the true one).
Learning with multiple complementary labels (ICML 2020)
Progressive identification of true labels for partial-label learning (ICML 2020)
Provably consistent partial-label learning (NeurIPS 2020)
PiCO: Contrastive label disambiguation for partial label learning (ICLR 2022)
Exploiting class activation value for partial-label learning (ICLR 2022)
Ambiguity-induced contrastive learning for instance-dependent partial label learning (IJCAI 2022)
Towards effective visual representations for partial-label learning (CVPR 2023)
Pairwise learning
Pairwise learning is aimed at solving a classification problem from pairwise similarities/dissimilarities.
Classification from pairwise similarity and unlabeled data (ICML 2018)
Uncoupled regression from pairwise comparison data (NeurIPS 2019)
Learning from similarity-confidence data (ICML 2021)
Pointwise binary classification with pairwise confidence comparisons (ICML 2021)
Multiple-instance learning from similar and dissimilar bags (KDD 2021)
=> Multiple-instance learning from unlabeled bags with pairwise similarity (TKDE v35, 2023)Learning from noisy pairwise similarity and unlabeled data (JMLR v23, 2022)
Binary classification with confidence difference (NeurIPS 2023)
Learning under distribution shift
Learning under distribution shift is aimed at addressing the issue that the training and test data come from different distributions.
Rethinking importance weighting for deep learning under distribution shift (NeurIPS 2020)
Meta discovery: Learning to discover novel classes given very limited data (ICLR 2022)
Distribution shift matters for knowledge distillation with webly collected images (ICCV 2023)
Generalizing importance weighting to a universal solver for distribution shift problems (NeurIPS 2023)
Diversified outlier exposure for out-of-distribution detection via informative extrapolation (NeurIPS 2023)
Self-supervised learning
(together with contrastive learning and metric learning)
Self-supervised learning is aimed at learning a representation from unlabeled data with various priors and pesuodo supervisions.
Contrastive embedding for generalized zero-shot learning (CVPR 2021)
Large-margin contrastive learning with distance polarization regularizer (ICML 2021)
Linearity-aware subspace clustering (AAAI 2022)
Robust audio-visual instance discrimination via active contrastive set mining (IJCAI 2022)
Learning contrastive embedding in low-dimensional space (NeurIPS 2022)
Self-weighted contrastive learning among multiple views for mitigating representation degeneration (NeurIPS 2023)
Boundary-restricted metric learning (Machine Learning v112, 2023)
Binary classification from positive-confidence data (NeurIPS 2018)
One positive label is sufficient: Single-positive multi-label learning with label enhancement (NeurIPS 2022)
Diversity-enhancing generative network for few-shot hypothesis adaptation (ICML 2023)
A universal unbiased method for classification from aggregate observations (ICML 2023)
Class-distribution-aware pseudo-labeling for semi-supervised multi-label learning (NeurIPS 2023)
A general framework for learning from weak supervision (ICLR 2024)
Label-noise learning
Standard supervised learning relies on high-quality clean labels, which means that instances are with labels drawn from the clean class-posterior probability. Nevertheless, if we require every instance to be associated with a label, our collected labels would probably come from non-expert annotators or be automatically annotated based on logs in practice. Such lower-quality labels are called noisy labels and regarded as drawn from some noisy/corrupted class-posterior probability, resulting in a mixture of correctly and incorrectly labeled data. Label-noise learning is aimed at solving a learning task from such possibly mislabeled data, where our models trained with noisy labels still try to predict the true label of any instance exactly the same as models trained with clean labels.
Loss correction for class-conditional noise
Masking: A new perspective of noisy supervision (NeurIPS 2018)
Are anchor points really indispensable in label-noise learning? (NeurIPS 2019)
Dual T: Reducing estimation error for transition matrix in label-noise learning (NeurIPS 2020)
Learning noise transition matrix from only noisy labels via total variation regularization (ICML 2021)
Provably end-to-end label-noise learning without anchor points (ICML 2021)
Sample selection/reweighting for class-conditional noise
Co-teaching: Robust training of deep neural networks with extremely noisy labels (NeurIPS 2018)
How does disagreement help generalization against label corruption? (ICML 2019)
Searching to exploit memorization effect in learning with noisy labels (ICML 2020)
Rethinking importance weighting for deep learning under distribution shift (NeurIPS 2020)
Sample selection with uncertainty of losses for learning with noisy labels (ICLR 2022)
Other techniques for class-conditional noise
SIGUA: Forgetting may make learning with noisy labels more robust (ICML 2020)
Class2Simi: A noise reduction perspective on learning with noisy labels (ICML 2021)
Understanding and improving early stopping for learning with noisy labels (NeurIPS 2021)
To smooth or not? When label smoothing meets noisy labels (ICML 2022)
SemiNLL: A framework of noisy-label learning by semi-supervised learning (TMLR, 2022)
Mitigating memorization of noisy labels by clipping the model prediction (ICML 2023)
Class-wise denoising for robust learning under label noise (TPAMI v45, 2023)
Understanding and mitigating the label noise in pre-training on downstream tasks (ICLR 2024)
Instance-dependent noise
Part-dependent label noise: Towards instance-dependent label noise (NeurIPS 2020)
Tackling instance-dependent label noise via a universal probabilistic model (AAAI 2021)
Confidence scores make instance-dependent label-noise learning possible (ICML 2021)
Instance-dependent label-noise learning under a structural causal model (NeurIPS 2021)
Learning with noisy labels revisited: A study using real-world human annotations (ICLR 2022)
Instance-dependent label-noise learning with manifold-regularized transition matrix estimation (CVPR 2022)
Estimating instance-dependent Bayes-label transition matrix using a deep neural network (ICML 2022)
=> A parametrical model for instance-dependent label noise (TPAMI v45, 2023)
Adversarial robustness
When we deploy models trained by standard supervised learning, they work well on natural test data. However, those models cannot handle adversarial test data (also known as adversarial examples) that are algorithmically generated by adversarial attacks. An adversarial attack is an algorithm which applies specially designed tiny perturbations on natural data to transform them into adversarial data, in order to mislead a trained model and let it give wrong predictions. Adversarial robustness is aimed at improving the robust accuracy of trained models against adversarial attacks.
Attacks which do not kill training make adversarial learning stronger (ICML 2020)
Geometry-aware instance-reweighted adversarial training (ICLR 2021)
CIFS: Improving adversarial robustness of CNNs via channel-wise importance-based feature selection (ICML 2021)
Learning diverse-structured networks for adversarial robustness (ICML 2021)
Maximum mean discrepancy test is aware of adversarial attacks (ICML 2021)
Probabilistic margins for instance reweighting in adversarial training (NeurIPS 2021)
Reliable adversarial distillation with unreliable teachers (ICLR 2022)
Adversarial robustness through the lens of causality (ICLR 2022)
Fast and reliable evaluation of adversarial robustness with minimum-margin attack (ICML 2022)
Adversarial attacks and defense for non-parametric two sample tests (ICML 2022)
Towards adversarially robust image denoising (IJCAI 2022)
Adversarial training with complementary labels: On the benefit of gradually informative attacks (NeurIPS 2022)
Synergy-of-experts: Collaborate to improve adversarial robustness (NeurIPS 2022)
NoiLin: Improving adversarial training and correcting stereotype of noisy labels (TMLR, 2022)
Active feature acquisition with supervised matrix completion (KDD 2018)
Guide actor-critic for continuous control (ICLR 2018)
Do we need zero training loss after achieving zero training error? (ICML 2020)
Few-shot domain adaptation by causal mechanism transfer (ICML 2020)
Variational imitation learning with diverse-quality demonstrations (ICML 2020)
Robust imitation learning from noisy demonstrations (AISTATS 2021)
Incorporating causal graphical prior knowledge into predictive modeling via simple data augmentation (UAI 2021)
Generalizing consistent multi-class classification with rejection to be compatible with arbitrary losses (NeurIPS 2022)
Fast and robust rank aggregation against model misspecification (JMLR v23, 2022)
Multi-label knowledge distillation (ICCV 2023)
Accurate forgetting for heterogeneous federated continual learning (ICLR 2024)
Balancing similarity and complementarity for federated learning (ICML 2024)
Counterfactual reasoning for multi-label image classification via patching-based training (ICML 2024)